- Sputnik International, 1920
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SCO Head on Terrorist Attacks in Dagestan: There Can Be No Justification for Terrorism

© Sputnik / Go to the mediabankTerrorists Targeted 2 Orthodox Churches, Synagogue, Police in Dagestan
Terrorists Targeted 2 Orthodox Churches, Synagogue, Police in Dagestan
 - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.06.2024
BEIJING (Sputnik) - Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Zhang Ming told Sputnik that he expresses condolences in connection with the terrorist attacks in Russia's Republic of Dagestan, adding that there can be no justification for terrorism.
"I was shocked by the news of this incident and the attacks on churches and synagogues in the cities of Makhachkala and Derbent, which occurred on the bright Orthodox holiday — Trinity Day," Zhang said, adding that there can be no justification for terrorism.
The SCO will continue to persistently strive for the complete eradication of terrorism, the head added.
On Sunday evening, unknown gunmen opened fire at two churches, a synagogue and a traffic police station in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala, prompting the authorities to launch a counterterrorist operation.
Terrorists Targeted 2 Orthodox Churches, Synagogue, Police in Dagestan - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.06.2024
Terrorists Targeted 2 Orthodox Churches, Synagogue, Police in Dagestan
Dagestan head Sergei Melikov said that more than 15 police officers and several civilians were killed in terrorist attacks in Russia’s Dagestan.
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