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Outside Forces May Provoke Coup Attempt in Bolivia - Bolivian Defense Minister

© AP Photo / Juan KaritaBolivian President Luis Arce raises a clenched fist surrounded by supporters and media, outside the government palace in La Paz, Bolivia, Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Bolivian President Luis Arce raises a clenched fist surrounded by supporters and media, outside the government palace in La Paz, Bolivia, Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.06.2024
LA PAZ (Sputnik) - The coup attempt in Bolivia could have been provoked from the outside and caused by a desire to plunder the country's natural resources, Bolivian Defense Minister Edmundo Novillo told Sputnik.
On Wednesday, local media reported the presence of the military at Murillo Square, the central square of Bolivia's administrative capital La Paz, where government buildings are located. The military, led by former Commander-in-Chief Gen. Juan Jose Zuniga, then tried to break into the presidential palace. Bolivian President Luis Arce, who was in the palace at the time, made an address to the nation, describing the events as a coup attempt, and created a new army command, which called on the military to leave the square. The soldiers complied with the order. Zuniga was arrested later in the day.
"We do not exclude that all this was encouraged, dictated by external interests. We do not exclude this. In relation to our country, there has always been an interest in controlling political power in order to plunder natural resources," the minister said.
The authorities are analyzing all the statements and previous actions of General Zuniga and do not rule out that these actions were encouraged from the outside, Novillo added.
General Zuniga wanted to become the illegitimate president of the country, Novillo highlighted.

"General Juan Jose Zuniga's interest [was] to take over the government by force, an action that demonstrates that he wanted to become an illegitimate president. Unfortunately, he was supported by [some] military leaders," the minister emphasized.

Riot police members take position in Plaza Murillo following an attempt on the eve by a military movement to seize the palace by force, in La Paz, on June 27, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.06.2024
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