- Sputnik International, 1920, 25.02.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022 Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate the Donbass region where the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk had been living under regular attacks from Kiev's forces.

Ukrainian Military's Call Signs Found in Foreign Mercenary's Notebook

CC0 / / Top secret
Top secret - Sputnik International, 1920, 03.07.2024
RUBEZHNOYE, Lugansk People’s Republic (Sputnik) - Call signs of the Ukrainian military used for radio communications have been found in a notebook of a Spanish-speaking mercenary at the positions of the Ukrainian armed forces, a Sputnik correspondent reported.
The Russian military has found the notebook after an assault on a Ukrainian stronghold in the Krasny Liman direction. Call signs of various branches of the military and combat units, some in Spanish and some in English, have been written on one of the pages of the notebook.
In particular, the notebook records have the following call signs: Infantería (infantry) - Vodka, Aviación (aviation) - Soda, Artillería (artillery) - Fanta, Dron (drone) - Pizza, Sniper - Juice, Machine gun - Coffee, AGS (AGL, an automatic grenade launcher) - Pasta, Artilleria pesada (heavy artillery) - Cola.
A Russian soldier told the correspondent earlier that the notebook belonged to a Spanish-speaking mercenary, in which he wrote down basic words to communicate with the Ukrainian personnel. He added that foreign mercenaries have difficulty communicating with Ukrainian military personnel, and "there can be no talk of any coordinated actions."
Russian servicemen prepare a Giatsint-B 152 mm howitzer before firing towards Ukrainian positions - Sputnik International, 1920, 02.07.2024
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Russian Troops Discover Notebook of Spanish-Speaking Mercenary at Ukrainian Positions
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