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Japan's Defense Paper Notes Development of New Arms in Russia, Growing Army Strength

© Sputnik / Evgeny Biyatov / Go to the mediabankRussian servicemen of the assault units practise assault techniques on an enemy stronghold amid Russia's military operation in Ukraine
Russian servicemen of the assault units practise assault techniques on an enemy stronghold amid Russia's military operation in Ukraine - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.07.2024
TOKYO (Sputnik) - The 2024 Defense White Paper, the Japanese Defense Ministry's annual report released on Friday, notes the development of new types of weapons in Russia and the growing army strength.
"Russia, which proclaims a 'strong state,' has been promoting the development and equipping of new weapons of all kinds, but, since the start of the invasion of Ukraine, there has been a shift to increasing the number of personnel and reorganizing and expanding troops," the report read.
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Additionally, the final paragraph of the white paper was changed to remove analysis that said Russia was losing strength.
The last paragraph on Russia's special military operation in Ukraine in last year's paper said that "although Russia has relied on military power in order to persist in its opinion, it is possible that Russian national strength will decline and the military balance between Russia and surrounding countries will change in the medium- and long-term, because of significant casualties of conventional forces in this aggression."
However, the paragraph has changed a lot in this year's edition of the report.
"In Addition to Ukraine's stubborn resistance, the world community in unity has adopted sanctions and continues to support Ukraine, the situation is such that it is necessary to make Russia pay a heavy price," the 2024 Defense White Paper read.
The issue pertaining to the Russia-China military cooperation now occupies the title page on China in Japan's 2024 Defense White Paper, the report said.
"China is further strengthening cooperation with Russia, including in military activities. It has also conducted joint bomber flights and naval navigations with Russia in the vicinity of Japan. These repeated joint activities are clearly intended for demonstration of force against Japan and are a grave concern from the perspective of the national security of Japan," the paper read.
Previous editions of the Japanese defense paper mentioned cooperation between Russia and China, but this year's edition is the first that mentions the Moscow-Beijing cooperation at the beginning of the report in the chapter on China.
The Japanese Defense Ministry also said that Moscow and Beijing will increasingly strengthen cooperation against the background of China's interest in Russia's advanced weapons.
"In recent years, the amount of arms deals between China and Russia has been low, but China is still very interested in importing advanced weapons, which Russia has, and in joint development. For example, China is buying from Russia the most advanced 4th generation SU-35 fighter jets and S-400 air defense systems. China became the first country to which Russia exported the S-400," the White Paper read.
The paper focuses on the Russia-China military cooperation.
"Russia and China will increasingly strengthen cooperation. In the future, it is likely that Russia and China will deepen military cooperation, and these movements to strengthen military cooperation will have a direct impact not only on the security situation around our country, but also is expected to have a strategic impact on the United States and Europe, so it is necessary to keep a close watch on them and be vigilante," the ministry said.
Japan's Defense White Paper is an annual report by the country's defense ministry. First published in 1970, it assesses the global environment from a defense perspective and reports on the Japan Self-Defense Forces' activities over a past year. It has been published annually since 1976.
Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Russian President Vladimir Putin described its purpose as "to protect people who have been subjected to eight years of abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime". He noted that the special operation was a coercive measure, that Russia "had no choice, the security risks created were such that it was impossible to respond by other means.
The US and its allies increased their aid to Kiev shortly after Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine. Moscow has repeatedly warned that foreign aid to the Kiev regime will only prolong the conflict.
Japan supported Ukraine in its military conflict with Russia by imposing sanctions against Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Moscow would respond appropriately to Japan's sanctions, and that Tokyo's restrictive measures would end up hurting Japan's own interests.
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