SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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NATO’s Calls for Surging Defense Spending Fuels Winds of War - Politician

© AP Photo / Vadim GhirdaA Romanian serviceman furls the NATO flag. File photo
A Romanian serviceman furls the NATO flag. File photo - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.07.2024
ST.PETERSBURG (Sputnik) - The recently concluded NATO summit in Washington did nothing but fuel the winds of war, centering on issues of weapons and urging the allies to increase military spending, Stefano Valdegamberi, former Italian parliamentarian and Veneto's regional councilor, told Sputnik.
From July 9-11, Washington hosted NATO's 75th anniversary summit. The summit declaration outlines the alliance's efforts to further isolate Russia, bolster the alliance's security on its eastern flank, increase security and arms assistance for Kiev regime, and claim Ukraine is on an "irreversible path" into NATO, among other initiatives.
"NATO in Washington does nothing but fuel the winds of war, making the issue of weapons and the increase in military spending a priority," Valdegamberi said.
While the Ukrainian conflict drags on, demand for weapons will likely continue to rise in Europe and worldwide, the politician said. Western countries, being the largest arms exporters, are reaping the rewards from the situation and using arms trade boom to bridge budget shortfalls, he added.
"After all, the arms market is important for the economy of countries that use democracy as an alibi to justify wars," Valdegamberi said.
Military helicopters are parked at an airbase in Kocuve, about 85 kilometers (52 miles) south of Tirana, Albania, Monday, March 4, 2024 - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.07.2024
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The politician also recalled that there had been no clear call or support from the side of the West for the 2014 Minsk Agreements to be respected and implemented, with then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel later stating that these agreements were only serving to delay the conflict and arm Ukraine.
"[NATO Secretary General Jens] Stoltenberg's refusal to commit to not including Ukraine in NATO further complicated the situation. First, the leaders obviously threw the stone, and then they hid their hand, placing all responsibility on Russia. Strange way to seek peace," he concluded.
The United States remained the world's largest arms exporter in the period from 2019 to 2023, data of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) showed. France, the European Union's arms heavyweight, became the second largest arms exporter in the same period after the US, increasing shipments by 47% between 2014–18 and 2019–23, SIPRI added.
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