SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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What Advantages Will Russia Have After Disassembling the Storm Shadow Cruise Missile?

The UK and France have been supplying Ukraine with long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles. The Kiev regime began to actively use the missiles to strike civilian facilities on Russian soil, including in the cities of Lugansk and Sevastopol and bridges between the Kherson Region and Crimea.
Russian professionals have taken apart the components of the Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missile, an expert engineer told Sputnik.
"The suspension mounting system and main switch, located in the center section, are removed from this unit along with all electrical circuits and wires. This is done in order to have objective control over subsequent changes in the missile’s design," the expert said.
He went on to explain that once the next missile is disassembled, the technical professionals will be able to identify whether it is the original version, if any design changes have been made, if new components have been incorporated, or if any modifications or even traps have been added.
A fragment of the fallen Anglo-French Storm Shadow missile. The data obtained during the dismantling of the missile is transferred to various agencies, including for improving air defense. - Sputnik International, 1920, 09.07.2024
Russian Experts Extract Parts of Storm Shadow Guidance System
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