SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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US Military Bases Are Being Used to Pump Out and Steal Syrian Oil

© AP Photo / Lolita BaldorThe al-Tanf military outpost in southern Syria where U.S. Gen. Joseph Votel, top U.S. commander in the Middle East, made an unannounced visit Monday, Oct. 22, 2018.
The al-Tanf military outpost in southern Syria where U.S. Gen. Joseph Votel, top U.S. commander in the Middle East, made an unannounced visit Monday, Oct. 22, 2018.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 08.08.2024
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - US military bases in Syria are being used to pump out and smuggle Syrian oil, Russian Deputy Ambassador to the UN Dmitry Polanskiy said on Thursday.
"US military bases built in Syria as a result of the West's aggression against this country are used inter alia to pump out and smuggle Syrian oil - essentially to steal it,” Polyanskiy said during a UN meeting on terrorism.
Moreover, the regions seized and occupied by the US military have led to the formation of a "real terrorist ghetto" around their bases, he added.
“The situation in these places is nothing but a humanitarian and food crisis,” Polyanskiy said.
Bradley fighting vehicles are parked at a US military base at an undisclosed location in Northeastern Syria - Sputnik International, 1920, 04.04.2024
US Wants ‘Another Kosovo’ in Syria’s Northwest, Keep Control of Oil, Wheat in Northeast
Syria has been torn by conflict since 2011. Parts of its hydrocarbon-rich east are controlled by the United States and allied militants. After 13 years of instability, more than half of the country’s population requires food assistance, with millions being displaced, according to UN figures.
The United States refused to leave the country after it invaded it in 2016 amid the Syrian civil war on the pretext of fighting terrorists. The government of Syria has repeatedly stated that it deems the presence of the US and Turkish troops on its territory as an act of military aggression and demanded that they immediately withdraw from the country.
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