- Sputnik International, 1920, 25.02.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022 Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate the Donbass region where the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk had been living under regular attacks from Kiev's forces.

Russian Choppers Destroy Five Ukraine Unmanned Boats in Black Sea

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian Mi-8 and Ka-29 helicopters destroyed the Ukrainian unmanned boats en route to Crimea, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.
"Mi-8 and Ka-29 helicopters of the naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed five unmanned boats in the Black Sea heading towards the Crimean Peninsula," the ministry said.
Earlier, veteran military analyst Scott Ritter explained that Ukraine is currently gambling away its elite troops in the Kursk region in a desperate bid to change the situation on the battlefield.
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