SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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What Advanced and Deadly Tanks Does Russia Field?

The second Sunday of September marks Tankmen’s Day in Russia. Established shortly after the end of World War II, this celebration honors the achievements and sacrifices of the Russia's Tank Troops.
The Russian tankers’ well-earned fearsome reputation is in no small part the product of the tanks they operate.
Sputnik has gathered information about Russia's most advanced metal machines:

T-90M Proryv

T-90M Proryv (Breakthrough) was described as the best tank in the world by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. Its sturdy armor and powerful cannon are complemented by an array of countermeasures that protect the tank from enemy drones and make it harder to detect.
A fresh batch of these tanks, which are also fairly easy to operate and repair, has recently been sent to the Russian troops in the Ukrainian conflict zone where they are bound to make the Kiev regime's troops’ lives miserable.
Testing of the T-80BVM tank after repairs. - Sputnik International, 1920, 26.02.2024
Photos: Repair and Modernization of Russian Tanks From Special Military Op Zone


The T-80BV tank currently employed by Russia is a far cry from the original version of this tank that was adopted in the 1980s. Featuring improved targeting systems and autoloader, as well as advanced reactive armor, this tank can give any armored adversary a run for their money. For example, in June 2023, a lone Russian T-80BV took on an entire Ukrainian armored column and won.

T-14 Armata

The T-14 Armata is Russia’s next-generation tank that was specifically designed for network-centric warfare. This futuristic armored beast can shrug off enemy anti-tank missiles and sabot shells while dishing out punishment to the enemy. The tank’s weapons are all remotely controlled while the crew remains safe in a protected compartment within the tank’s hull.
Armata T-14 tanks on Red Square, Moscow during the final practice of the military parade marking the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, May 2016. - Sputnik International, 1920, 25.04.2023
What is the T-14 Armata, Russia's Newest Main Battle Tank?
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