- Sputnik International, 1920
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Julian Assange's Father Arrives in Moscow

© SputnikJohn Shipton, Julian Assange's father
John Shipton, Julian Assange's father - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.10.2024
This is his first visit to Russia.
John Shipton, Julian Assange's father and founder of Australia's now-defunct Wikileaks Party, arrived in Moscow at the invitation of the BRICS Journalists Association and its co-chair Mira Terada, a human rights advocate and publicist.
John Shipton outside Westminster Mags on 14 August 2020 with supporters - Sputnik International, 1920, 02.01.2021
Father of Assange Says US Wants to 'Break' His Son as 'Revenge' for Exposing State War Crimes
Julian Assange's father, John Shipton, has been a prominent advocate for his son’s freedom and played a key role in the international campaign to secure Assange's release.
Since his son’s arrest and imprisonment, Shipton has tirelessly traveled around the world, meeting with diplomats, politicians, human rights organizations, and activists to raise awareness about Assange’s case.
He has been particularly vocal about the implications of Assange’s prosecution for press freedom and has often criticized the US government’s efforts to extradite his son on charges related to WikiLeaks' publication of classified documents.
Shipton’s public activism includes organizing events, participating in rallies, and speaking at conferences to garner support for Assange.
He has worked closely with other family members and advocacy groups like the "Don’t Extradite Assange", campaign to mobilize public opinion.
His dedication has made him a familiar figure in the global movement to prevent Assange's extradition, portraying the case as a dangerous precedent for journalism and freedom of the press worldwide.
Photo of Julian Assange attached to the statue of Joan of Arc in Toulouse, France - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.11.2021
Assange's Father: Would Be 'Honorable' for France to Offer Asylum to WikiLeaks Founder
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