
Incognito Mode: Joe Biden Juggled Aliases as He Peddled Power Via Hunter - Report

GOP lawmakers appear intent on not allowing the Biden "corruption scandal" to be swept under the rug. Joe Biden repeatedly denied awareness of son Hunter's business dealings during his VP tenure, but Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently floated a House GOP impeachment probe against POTUS to "get the information to be able to know the truth."
President Joe Biden armed himself with several fake identities during his time as Barack Obama’s vice president when communicating with son Hunter, as well as the latter’s foreign business partners, emails from the notorious "laptop from hell" reveal, reported US media. Hunter Biden had abandoned this device in a Delaware repair shop in 2019.
At least three pseudonyms: ‘Robert L. Peters’, ‘Robin Ware’ and ‘JRB Ware’, along with alternate email addresses were used by Joe Biden between 2014 and 2016, when sending messages to his son. Some concerned family issues, other communications pertained to official government business, such as upcoming talks with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, or Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman. The pseudonyms were supposedly used to dodge discovery of the communications under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Thus, the private email address using the name Robert.L.Peters was where Joe Biden’s aide, John Flynn, was ostensibly instructed to send his daily schedule at least on 10 occasions in the period between May 18 and June 15. Regarding the above-cited call with the then-Ukrainian President, Hunter Biden’s name was copied onto a message dated May 26. It contained a note keeping the younger Biden in the loop about an “8.45am prep for 9am phonecall [sic] with Pres Poroshenko.”
Hunter Biden had also been alerted to a meeting on his father’s schedule with Prime Minister Groysman on June 15, 2016. Subsequently the face-to-face led to an announcement of “$220 million in new assistance to Ukraine,” per records.
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'Wide Open Access' For Biden Family 'Influence Peddling'

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has sent a letter to the National Archives requesting any "document or communication in which a pseudonym for Vice President Joe Biden was included either as a sender, recipient, copied or was included in the contents of the document or communication, including but not limited to Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware."
Specifically, Comer hoped to get a look at emails released by the National Archives that are marked as "Email Messages To and/or From Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden related to Burisma and Ukraine."
"Joe Biden has stated there was ‘an absolute wall’ between his family’s foreign business schemes and his duties as vice president, but evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family’s influence peddling. We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, dining and having coffee with his son’s foreign business associates. We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest. The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption," stated James Comer.
Play It Again, Joe: Biden Denies Sitting In on Hunter's Business Dealings Via Speaker Phone
The House GOP is conducting a probe into the Bidens that originated back during the Trump presidency. In October 2020, the Republicans obtained the so-called "laptop from hell," a hard disk with a copy of all materials and documents found on Hunter's laptop left at a Delaware repair shop and then handed over to the FBI. The docs raised questions about Joe Biden's apparent awareness of his son's shady business dealings. There was even indication in some email messages suggesting that the then-vice president received hefty bonuses as part of Hunter's pay-to-play schemes. In one of the oft-cited email exchanges between Hunter and his business partners one of the participants outlined an equity breakdown in which 10% of the lucrative CEFC joint venture would be held by Hunter "for the big guy." Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, insisted that "the big guy" was a reference to Joe Biden.
IRS whistleblowers, Supervisory IRS Special Agent Gary Shapley and IRS Criminal Investigator Joseph Ziegler, have accused the Biden family of accepting millions from foreign entities. Ziegler told lawmakers he had discovered that Hunter Biden and his business associates had received $17 million from foreign sources, including $7.3 million from Ukrainian energy company Burisma. According to the whistleblowers, the Justice Department hindered their probe into the president's son.
In more recent developments, former Biden business partner Devon Archer gave testimony to Congress and a spate of public interviews on the ongoing scandal. Archer had worked alongside Biden in developing a relationship with Burisma, which was under investigation by then-Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin. Shokin was later fired after pressure from officials including then-US Vice President Joe Biden.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently floated the idea of congressional Republicans kicking off an impeachment probe into the elder Biden, adding that his actions are “rising to the level of impeachment inquiry” based on the emerging evidence.
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