
Can Ukraine Use Corruption Charges to Blackmail Biden Into Sending More Arms?

As congressional impeachment hearings loom, Joe Biden's allies in Kiev know more than anyone whether he is guilty of corruption. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, said Russia was keeping a close eye on the Washington scene.
The Kiev regime could use its knowledge of the Biden family's dealings in Ukraine to blackmail the US president into continued support for a losing conflict with Russia, says an ex-CIA commentator.
Republican House of Representatives speaker Kevin McCarthy has scheduled impeachment hearings into US president Joe Biden's alleged influence peddling through his son Hunter — revealed among the contents of his abandoned laptop computer — to begin next week. This time McCarthy snubbed the Ukrainian leader by denying his request to address Congress.
But Biden still found time to invite his protégé, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, to visit Washington again after his poorly-attended UN General Assembly address.
Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern told Sputnik that the US ever-escalating involvement in Ukraine was dangerous, as nobody knows the extent of "Biden's personal stakes in this" not just for his son Hunter but himself and his brother James.
"The evidence is accumulating. What do the Ukrainians know about all this bribery?" McGovern asked. "If Ukraine were the pristine, pure nation of the world where there was no under underhanded stuff, no corruption, that would be one thing. But they're the picture-boy for corruption."
The former intel-cruncher noted that Biden seems caught in a death spiral of support for Kiev's military campaigns against Russia despite the increasingly pessimistic outlook for achieving any kind of victory.

"So what does Zelensky ... know about Biden that has Biden in more of a pickle than most of us even realize?" McGovern asked. "Given the way the counteroffensive by Ukrainian forces, supported by US troops and material, that's going south, what else does Biden worry about?"

But he said more important was how Russia's political leaders viewed the lay of the land in the Washington DC swamp.
"They have to worry about not only Biden, but people like Sullivan, people like Blinken, who are both demonstrably guilty of fooling around with elections," McGovern pointed out. "Blinken has revealed that, having collected 51 former intelligence leaders to say that [Hunter] Biden's laptop was not genuine, that it had the smell or all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation operation. Well, that's hooey now. But it helped get Joe Biden elected."
US House Panel Sets First Biden Impeachment Inquiry Hearing for Next Week
The intelligence community insider said the level of corruption in Washington now was "as bad as I've ever seen it, and that goes back six decades."
"The question is, how will this impede Biden from doing anything sensible with respect to Ukraine before the election, or even after the election?" McGovern asked.
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