
US Veteran Ridicules Pentagon Chief's Claim That Russia Poses Threat to Europe

US military experts are openly questioning Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin's rationale behind continuing to support the Ukrainian military despite Kiev's failures on the battlefield.
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's December 2 claim that Russia poses an immediate threat to Europe is absurd, according to retired Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, a senior fellow for defense priorities at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
"[Austin] claims that all of Western Europe and NATO would be 'directly threatened' – this was the term that he used – if [Vladimir Putin] wins here and that's just nonsense. That's just absurd," Davis said on Stephen Gardner's podcast. "Why would he ever do it? (…) Everything [Putin] has done, everything he has said over the past 15 years is that he wants to protect his borders. They are historically afraid of Western incursions because Russia itself has been invaded many times throughout its history from the West."
Per Davis, it's ridiculous to believe that Russia wants to attack the West or re-create the USSR, stressing that Austin is either "disingenuous or doesn’t know what he is talking about."
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According to Austin, "Ukraine matters profoundly to America and to the entire world. And it matters for four key reasons."
"First, Putin’s war poses a stark and direct threat to security in Europe and beyond," the Pentagon chief claimed at the Reagan National Defense Forum.
The second reason, argued Austin, is that Russia's special military operation is "a clear challenge to [US] NATO allies." The third is that Moscow's actions are an attack on "democratic values and decency." And finally, Russia's special op is a "frontal assault on the international rules-based order," according to him.
But that is not all. Earlier this week, ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on his podcast that Austin allegedly threatened to send lawmakers' "uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia" if Ukraine aid is not approved.
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Commenting on the alleged threat, Davis highlighted that under the US Constitution the Pentagon chief has zero authority to send any combat troops to Ukraine. What's more, any direct confrontation with Russia over Ukraine is not in the US national interest, the retired lieutenant colonel emphasized. "There is nothing in that war… the war is militarily unwinnable. We've been saying that since the outset of this war." The military expert said that everything that has happened on the ground since the beginning of Kiev's summer counteroffensive has validated his assumption.

"Why, then, would we want to reinforce failure and then try to deepen it and possibly get ourselves sucked into a war with nuclear-armed Russia?" asked the US veteran, adding that it's very troubling that Washington does not even think about this risk.

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Austin's recent remarks came on the heels of US lawmakers' failure to approve a new multi-billion-dollar package for Ukraine over partisan divisions. The Democrats want to pass the hefty bill as it stands, while Republicans insist on reforms to the Mexican border being included in the legislation.
President Joe Biden also urged US lawmakers to pass the assistance for Ukraine, claiming that the US economy and security would benefit from that. He even warned them that if they didn't support Kiev, they would give "Putin the greatest gift he can hope for".
Just hours after the president's address, Senate Republicans voted against the bill over a lack of border provisions. The Democratic-controlled upper chamber failed to reach the 60-vote threshold to pass the proposal without consideration.
Some political observers suspect that the US Congress will not approve the aid bill before the end of the year as congress members are likely to leave Capitol Hill for their winter break on December 14. This spells trouble for Kiev, given that the White House warned earlier this week that assistance to Ukraine would be completely depleted by the end of 2023.
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