Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Ukrainian PoW - 70% of My Battalion 'Slaughtered' in 14 Days

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) has released more information attesting to the deteriorating conditions in the Ukrainian Army. This time, a Ukrainian PoW shares some devastating news.
The MoD has released footage showing Ukrainian soldier Fyodor Dybic being interrogated after being captured by Russian troops. During the questioning, Dybic spoke on the casualties in his battalion.
"In the last two weeks, the commander has sacrificed [a lot of] people – 70% of the battalion. He sent them to slaughter with just machine guns against grenade launchers. […] We didn’t even have any shovels to dig up a trench," he said.
The PoW went on to say that Ukrainian soldiers had no chance of hiding from Russian kamikaze drones.
He added that his fellow soldiers would freeze off their hands and feet, get wounded, and some “were rained down with so many mines, there was no chance of survival."
It is unclear where the PoW’s former unit was operating.
When interrogated, several captured Ukrainian soldiers testify that the Ukrainian Armed Forces widely mobilize people who are unfit for service either due to poor health or old age.
Ukraine Coerces Mass-Conscripts Unfit for Military Service - PoW
Last week, Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 23,000 people either killed and wounded in January alone.