
Ukraine Replaces Commander of Kharkov Battlegroup Amid Russian Offensive - Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Ukraine shifted its military leaders to the north-eastern area after Moscow made considerable gains, the RBC-Ukraine news agency reported on Monday.
Mykhailo Drapatyi has reportedly replaced Yuriy Galushkin as Ukraine's Kharkov Battlegroup's commander. This is the second time in two months that the Ukrainian military leadership has made changes in the group.
Galushkin had been leading the Kharkov Operational Tactical Group since early April 2024 after replacing Andrey Gritskov. Drapatyi previously participated in what Kiev calls an "anti-terrorist operations" in Donbass.
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Last September, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a warrant for Drapatyi and another Ukrainian general, Viktor Nikolyuk, accusing them of causing the death and injury of over 150 people.
The head of the Kharkov regional military administration, Oleg Sinegubov, earlier acknowledged a real threat of the zone of combat expanding to various areas in the region. Recently, Russian military forces reported significant advances in Kharkov Oblast, capturing several locations.
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