
Russia Views Macron’s Remarks Very Provocative, Escalating Tensions on Continent - Kremlin

ST. PETERSBURG (Sputnik) - Russia considers the recent remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron on assistance to Kiev to be very provocative and escalating tensions on the continent, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.
Macron told a French TV channel that Paris will transfer Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Kiev and train Ukrainian pilots. Macron also said that France plans to train 4,500 Ukrainian soldiers, but does not consider this decision to be an "escalation."

"We consider these actions — given that France is a member of NATO, a member of the European Union, a large European state — we consider these statements to be very, very provocative, increasing tension on the continent and not conducive to anything positive," Peskov told reporters.

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Macron demonstrates absolute support for Kiev and declares France’s readiness for a direct participation in the military conflict, the official added.