
Ukraine’s Zelensky Rejected Russia's Peace Offer Out of Fear of Losing Power - Analyst

President Vladimir Putin laid out Russia’s conditions for an end to the Ukraine conflict during an address at the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, however, the offer was rejected by Kiev and the sponsors of NATO's proxy conflict.
Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky rejected the new peace initiatives proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin because he is afraid his political career will end once the conflict is resolved, British expert Alexander Mercouris said on his YouTube channel.
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has been “calling time on him, saying that Zelensky is no longer the legitimate president of Ukraine,” the expert noted.

“The moment peace negotiations were to begin, Zelensky’s political position in Kiev would collapse, and he would have to step down,” the analyst said. He added that Zelensky’s very political survival in Kiev “is linked to the continuation" of the conflict.

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The stark reality of the situation, according to Alexander Mercouris, is such that “this is the last chance” the Ukrainians and their Western sponsors have to come to some sort of terms. If the conditions laid out by Russia are not accepted, the bloodshed will continue, Russia will win, “as all trends on the battlefield prove,” he noted.
According to the pundit, this is the last proposal of this kind that Russia is prepared to make, and its rejection will mean that Russia will eventually demand nothing but “unconditional surrender from Kiev.
Furthermore, in speech on June 14, Putin gave a very clear warning that “the West is acting very dangerously," Mercouris pointed out.

The "unending escalations, talk of military strikes deep inside Russia, talk about deployment of Western troops to fight in Ukraine, plans regarding the F-16 fighter jets, all that […] contains within it the very real possibility of things getting out of control. Russia will be forced to respond, and we could find ourselves at very real risk of all-out nuclear exchange,” the British analyst warned.

The analyst slammed the “utterly irresponsible, senseless talk” from individuals like former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen's suggestions to “call Putin’s bluff.

“It’s gambling with the future of humanity, with, at the very least, the survival of Western civilization," Mercouris noted, adding that it is “essential” to heed Putin’s warning.

The Russian diplomatic objective from now on, Alexander Mercouris believes, is to work towards achieving a restructuring of the security situation "not just in Europe, but in Eurasia as a whole."
Commenting on the Ukrainian authorities' reaction to Vladimir Putin's peace proposal, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday that Volodymyr Zelensky is" not the person with whom you can fix agreements in writing, because de jure the agreement would be illegitimate."
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