
West's Arms Control Exit, Ukraine Gamble Could Spark Clash Between Nuclear Powers - Russian Envoy

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The West's withdrawal from arms control agreements and its desire to inflict a "strategic defeat" against Russia could potentially lead to a dangerous clash between nuclear powers, warned Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation at the talks in Vienna on military security and arms control, in an article for Sputnik.
The Russian diplomat said one can observe today "with what ease the 'transatlantic allies' are plunging themselves deeper into the whirlpool of confrontation with Russia on the side of the Kiev regime."
"Putting aside all the documents adopted at a forum on arms control and confidence-building, they have wagered on inflicting a 'strategic defeat' on our country. All this carries the risks of a direct military clash between nuclear powers with unpredictable consequences," Gavrilov said.

Russia Blocked OSCE Forum's Meetings Because of Chairmanship's Actions

Russia had to block meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in response to unacceptable actions of the Croatian chairmanship of the forum, Konstantin Gavrilov said.
The Russian delegation is not inactive in response to unacceptable steps, he said.
"During the summer round of talks alone, in response to flagrant actions of the Croatian chairmanship, we had to block five FSC meetings. We believe that it makes no sense to hold regular meetings of the forum when the interests of Russia as an OSCE participating state are being put at a disadvantage. We intend to continue this line until the rotating chairmanships in their work begin to adhere to the principles of impartiality, neutrality, and consideration of the interests of all participating states without exception," Gavrilov said.

OSCE Forum Chairmanships Prevented Russia From Inviting Speakers Five Times

Chairmanships of the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) have prevented Russia from inviting speakers from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the Russian Foreign Ministry five times in the past two years, Gavrilov noted.
"Suffice it to say that the forum's chairmanships in the past two years have at least five times refused our delegation's invitation to high-ranking representatives of the CSTO and the Russian Foreign Ministry to the platform as speakers on acute problems of ensuring military stability," Gavrilov said.
He added that the situation went to absurd lengths when the Croatian chairmanship banned Russia from including students from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) as audience members in an online meeting of the forum.
"At the same time, students from other OSCE member states have the opportunity to attend such meetings in person. It is clear to any observer and indeed to sensible delegations at the forum that it is the all-too-common 'double standards' and gross discrimination," the Russian diplomat said.

West Uses OSCE Forum as Infowar Tool Against Russia

The Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe is being used now by the West as a tool for information warfare against Russia, Konstantin Gavrilov said.
"It is not surprising that against such a background, the FSC has ceased to be of interest to Western participating states as a platform for professional discussion of security issues in Europe and is increasingly in demand as a tool to support information warfare against Russia," the Russian diplomat said.
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West Violates OSCE Principles by Flooding Weapons Into Ukraine

Gavrilov stated that Western countries are in violation of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's principles regarding the transfer of conventional arms and the control of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS).
The Russian diplomat also pointed to the OSCE agreements on preventing illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons (SALW) and stockpiles of conventional ammunition (SCA).
"There has been a complete retreat by the Western OSCE member states from the principles they have been promoting for many years on scrupulous export controls when transferring arms and responsible behavior when considering the possibility of their transfer to conflict areas," Gavrilov said.
"Today, in violation of the OSCE Principles Governing Conventional Arms Transfers [of 1993], the OSCE Document on SALW [of 2000] and the OSCE Principles for Export Controls of MANPADS [of 2008], the European Union and NATO are 'pouring' weapons into Ukraine without being troubled about it being used by the Ukrainian armed forces against civilian infrastructure and civilians, including women and children of the Russian Federation. Moreover, they often give targeting instructions for strikes in order to intimidate our citizens. Of course, in this environment, it is impossible to talk about a new arms control regime in Europe," the diplomat said.

NATO's Support for Kiev's Militarization: A Catalyst for Europe's Security Crisis

The NATO alliance's encouragement of Ukraine's militarization and "nazification" has led to the current security crisis in Europe, Konstantin Gavrilov said in an article for Sputnik.
"We also recall very well that the West, since 2014, has ignored Ukraine's flagrant violations of at least 26 points of the Vienna Document 2011 on CSBMs [confidence- and security-building measures], de facto encouraging the militarization and Nazification of this country, terror and the killing of civilians by the Kiev regime. And it is a slippery slope that has led to the security crisis in Europe," Gavrilov said.
The Russian diplomat pointed out that NATO's detachment from the pan-European context, as well as its pursuit of military superiority, have posed risks to the confidence-building measures developed within the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Forum for Security Co-operation.
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West Uses Ukraine Conflict to Justify NATO's Actions

Western countries continue to squander billions on the Ukraine conflict as it brings back NATO's function of defense against the threat from the East, Gavrilov said.
"The fact that the Ukraine crisis is only part of a systemic problem affecting the FSC [Forum for Security Co-operation of the OSCE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe] has become clear long ago. The events in this country have been immediately used to justify the legitimacy of NATO's return to its original function of defending against the threat from the East and, at the same time, to position the alliance as the only reliable security instrument in the 'new modalities,'" the diplomat said.
He added that "this is why Western governments continue to throw billions of dollars of EU and NATO taxpayers into the 'black hole' of the Ukraine crisis."