
Russian Nuclear Cyber Defense Control to Become Global Standard

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian state standard (GOST) of cyberdefense methods for nuclear power plant control systems has become the basis for the international standard, Anton Shalaev, the head of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), said in an interview with Sputnik.
Official also stressed that Russian cyberdefense systems are now self-sufficient.

"Last year, seven international standards were adopted based on Russian GOSTs. In high-tech industries — in the rocket and space industry, in the railway industry, in aircraft manufacturing. My favorite example is the Russian standard for cyberdefense methods for nuclear power plant control systems, which has become international standard," Shalaev said.

He also spoke about another innovation in the field of metrology and standardization related to the nuclear industry. In 2024, the federal law on ensuring the uniformity of measurements was updated. In particular, it now permits and regulates the use of foreign measuring instruments.
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"Our colleagues from state corporation Rosatom, who are building nuclear power plants around the world, faced such a need. They are building according to Russian laws and Russian standards, but it is impossible to import all the measuring equipment. Now we can use foreign ones if their traceability is ensured and they are verified to be in line with Russian standards," Shalaev explained.
Some 10-15 years ago, Russian measuring instruments sometimes had to be sent for verification against foreign standards, "to the so-called progressive Europe," and put themselves in a potential dependence in the future, the official recalled. Now the situation has become the opposite, he noted.