Energy Crisis in Europe

US Needs Europe Dependent - Russia on Oil Row with Ukraine

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Washington needs the European Union's dependence on its energy resources, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Sputnik, commenting on the EU recommendation to Kiev to suspend oil transit from Russia.
On Saturday, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said that Kiev's suspension of oil transit from Russia to Hungary and Slovakia was coordinated by Brussels.
"The American deep state needs the EU's total dependence on US energy resources," Maria Zakharova added. "This guarantees Washington economic bonuses and political control of the EU."
This means Washington is behind Brussels on the suspension, Zakharova noted.
Hungary Rejects Croatian Oil Route Over High Fees and EU Call to Stop Russian Oil

"That is why the EU's long-term contracts with Russia were so hated by the [United] States. That's why Nord Stream 1 and 2 [gas pipelines] were bombed," she said.

The Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines were hit by explosions in September 2022. Nord Stream's operator, Nord Stream AG, said the damage was unprecedented and that it was impossible to estimate the time repairs might take.
Russia considers the explosions of the pipelines an act of international terrorism.