
Arms Control Treaties With Russia Should Be Preserved - US Senator Cardin

CHICAGO (Sputnik) - US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin said on Thursday that it is absolutely important for Russia and the United States to preserve the arms control treaties.
"Absolutely, yeah, our objective is to reduce the amount of arms around the world, particularly nuclear weapons," Cardin told Sputnik when asked if Moscow and Washington should preserve their bilateral treaties on arms control.
Ben Cardin also noted that he is hopeful the United States can continue arms control dialogue with all nuclear powers after the end of the conflict in Ukraine.
“Yes, I do hope that the relationship post whatever happens we can resolve Ukraine, that we would work with all the nuclear powers, particularly for arms control,” he added.
The senator noted that while he believes Moscow and Washington could agree on a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), such a development will not happen soon.
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