“Immigration is a huge issue, obviously, for the AfD [...] but Sahra’s party, which is a kind of a left-wing populist party, has also taken a very hard line on immigration. It also says, hey, the more people we import, the more it reduces the value of labor. It undercuts wages here. It's a huge burden on the state, and it's an unfair tax on working people. So she takes an anti-immigrant stance more from the left than from the right,” the analyst explained.
“...but there's also the issue of the economy and Germany's exorbitant energy cost. Part of that has come about because of the Germany's commitment to this net zero and the Green New Deal, which has seen German energy process soaring and has led to the German loss of competitiveness, German deindustrialization, which is causing a great deal of concern in a country like Germany, which depends on exports of its high-quality products, and it's being essentially kind of like the manufacturing powerhouse of Europe,” Szamuely explained.
“And Nord Stream has been brought up certainly by the AFD, but particularly by Sahra Wagenknecht, who says that if Germany knew about this attack on Nord Stream in advance [...] then this is the biggest scandal in German history, and she's calling for an investigation of who knew what and when. So, there's a lot of anxiety within Germany about its future.”