Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russian Forces Liberate Novogrodovka City in Donetsk - Defense Ministry

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Ministry of Defense reported on the progress of special military operation and on the key achievements of the Russian Armed Forces in the last 24 hours.
Russia's Tsentr (Center) group of forces has taken control of the city of Novogrodovka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), the Russian Defense Ministry told Sputnik on Sunday.
"As a result of active actions by the units of the Tsentr group of forces, the settlement of Novogrodovka has been liberated," the ministry said in a statement.
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Ukrainian Losses in Last 24 Hours

Kiev lost up to 625 servicepeople in battles with Russia's Yug (South) group of troops over the past day, as well as a Kozak combat armored vehicle, two UK-made 155mm FH-70 howitzers and an electronic warfare station, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.
Russia's Sever (North) group of troops eliminated up to 160 Ukrainian soldiers, the ministry said, adding that Kiev also lost up to 550 soldiers in fighting with Russia's Zapad (West) group of troops.
Ukraine has also lost up to 560 soldiers in battles with Russia's Tsentr (Center) group of troops, the Russian ministry said.
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Ukrainian units have lost up to 130 soldiers and a UK-produced FH-70 howitzer in battles with Russia's Vostok (East) group of troops, the ministry added.