
More Than 40 Russian Companies to Take Part in Multi-Sector Mission in Ulaanbaatar

The umbrella brand Made in Russia refers to a national branding initiative launched by the Russian government to promote Russian-made products and services globally.
Russian companies will present their products under the umbrella brand Made in Russia at a multi-sector business mission in Mongolia. On September 16-17, 2024, Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, will host a multi-sector business mission of Russian companies organized by the Russian Export Center (REC).
The event will take place in the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) building and is aimed at finding partners for mutually beneficial cooperation and joint projects for the Russian export-oriented companies in foreign markets.
More than 40 Russian companies representing sectors such as the food industry, agricultural and industrial complex, chemical industry, IT and digital technologies, medical equipment production, art products and ceramics, industrial equipment and technologies, transport services and logistics, building material production, as well as confectionery and other food products will take part in the business mission.
Among the participants of the mission there are large companies such as Miratorg, Minimax-94, Gzhel artistic workshops, CJSC BCC Kolomensky, and other leading Russian manufacturers and suppliers.
B2B meetings with representatives of Mongolian business are planned for the event's participants, which will open opportunities for establishing new business relations and concluding contracts. Russian companies will have an opportunity to present their products through special presentations and sample demonstrations.
Umbrella Brand 'Made in Russia' to Raise Awareness Abroad of Manufacturers - Export Center
The business mission to Mongolia is an important initiative within the framework of the state program to support Russian non-resource exports. Mongolia is a strategically important destination for the development of economic ties, and participation in such missions allows Russian companies to expand their export opportunities and enter new markets.
The Russian Export Center JSC is a state institution for supporting non-resource exports, which provides financial and non-financial assistance to companies of all industries at all stages of entering foreign markets, including within the framework of the International Cooperation and Export national project.