- Sputnik International, 1920
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Russia, Islamic World to Make Major Contribution to Multipolarity

© Sputnik / Konstantin Chalabov / Go to the mediabankCities of Russia. Kazan
Cities of Russia. Kazan - Sputnik International, 1920, 16.05.2024
Interaction between Moscow and the countries of the Islamic world will make an important contribution to the safe development in the multi-polar world order, said Rustam Minnikhanov, head of Russia's Tatarstan republic and chairman of the "Russia - Islamic World" strategic vision forum, during the group’s international conference.
The event takes place within the international economic forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum" involving Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
"When it comes to key spiritual and moral values, Orthodox Christianity and Islam are similar and close," Minnikhanov told the conference. "This applies, in particular, to human rights and family fundamentals. I am sure that positive interaction and partnership between Russia and the Islamic world will make an important contribution to secure development in a fair multipolar world order,"
The collective West, Minnikhanov noted, is trying to replace international law with a system of self-serving "regulations".
The highly anticipated 'Russia — Islamic World' forum has kicked off in Kazan, the capital of Russia's Tatarstan region, often referred to as a third capital of the country - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.05.2024
'Russia — Islamic World: KazanForum' in Pictures
In seeking to maintain a dominant position the West has employed many forms of leverage, including wars, sanctions, blackmail and modern forms of colonialism.

"As an alternative, the sound forces of the planet should oppose this with a model of a just and multipolar world order," Minnikhanov added. "It is important to emphasize that the emergence of new lines of demarcation is due not only to military and political confrontation and economic rivalry, but also to the incompatibility of different moral guidelines and cultural priorities."

Minnikhanov stressed that those benchmarks are directly related to security, which includes not only ensuring the stability of the political system, economic potential and defense capabilities of Russia, but also maintaining and developing cultural, spiritual and moral values.
The governor said Russia and the Islamic world have a huge potential for cooperation in those fields.
The "Russia - Islamic World" strategic vision group was established back in 2006 under the leadership of former Russian prime minister Yevgeny Primakov and former Tatarstan governor Mintimer Shaimiev as an advisory body for expanding cooperation between Russia and Islamic countries. Between 2006 and 2009, the team held five meetings in Moscow, Kazan, Istanbul, Jeddah and Kuwait.

In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized Minnikhanov to chair the group and to resume its activities. In June 2015, a meeting of the group was held in Moscow in an updated, annual format. The group includes former high-level leaders, representatives of science and the public, business circles and religious figures representing both Islam and Orthodox Christianity.

KAZANFORUM 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.05.2024
Russia - Islamic World Forum: Plenary Session on Multipolarity
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