- Sputnik International, 1920
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Raisi visits an exhibition of the Revolutionary Guard navy capabilities in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas - Sputnik International

LIVE UPDATES: Iranian President Raisi Dies in Helicopter Crash

Raisi was heading to the city of Tabriz in northwestern Iran, after returning from a ceremony to open a dam in in the East Azerbaijan province with Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev.
On Sunday, Iranian media reported that a helicopter carrying Ebrahim Raisi, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and their companions made a hard landing in northwestern Iran. Rescue teams arrived at the scene, but the search operation was complicated by tough weather conditions, namely thick fog. The search for the survivors continued all night long.
On Monday morning Iranian Vice President Mohsen Mansouri confirmed confirmed Raisi and his delegation were dead
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04:19 GMT 20.05.2024
 - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.05.2024
Life of Late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
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04:16 GMT 21.05.2024
Iranian President’s Death Latest in String of Strange Coincidences
A man holds a portrait of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi during a candlelight vigil outside the Embassy of Iran in Jakarta, Indonesia, Monday, May 20, 2024 - Sputnik International, 1920, 21.05.2024
Iranian President’s Death Latest in String of Strange Coincidences
18:40 GMT 20.05.2024
Iranian Chief of Staff Appoints Panel to Look Into Deadly Helicopter Crash - Reports
The Iranian chief of staff, Mohammad Bagheri, has appointed a commission of inquiry into the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash over the weekend, media reported Monday.
The high commission was tasked with investigating the cause of the crash, Tasnim news agency reported. Investigators have already arrived at the scene.
18:15 GMT 20.05.2024
Cause of Helicopter Crash That Killed Iranian Leaders Not Clear to US - White House
The cause of the helicopter crash that took the lives of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and several other officials is unclear to the United States, White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby said.
"The cause of the crash of course isn't clear, at least not clear to us," Kirby said during a briefing. "It's not surprising, sadly, but not surprising that the Iranian regime once again finds the way to try to blame the United States for problems of its own making."
18:10 GMT 20.05.2024
Milad Tower in Tehran Goes Dark in Mourning for Raisi's Death
18:09 GMT 20.05.2024
Claim That Sanctions Were Cause of Helicopter Crash is Baseless - White House
17:07 GMT 20.05.2024
US Expresses Official Condolences Over Death of Raisi, Delegation - State Department
"The United States expresses its official condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran. As Iran selects a new president, we reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a statement on Monday.
17:00 GMT 20.05.2024
Pentagon Says Has No Insight Into Cause of Helicopter Crash That Killed Iranian President
The United States has no insight into the cause of the helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Sunday but will continue to monitor the situation, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Monday.
"We continue to monitor the situation but we don't have any insights into the cause of the accident," Austin said during a press briefing. "I know the Iranians are investigating or will investigate and so we'll see what the outcome is."
16:26 GMT 20.05.2024
Farewell Ceremony, Funeral of Iranian President Will be Held on May 23
The farewell ceremony and funeral of the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will be held in Mashhad on May 23, Iranian Vice President Mohsen Mansouri said on Monday.
"The bodies will be transported to the holy city of Mashhad, where a farewell ceremony and funeral will be held," Mansouri said, adding that the ceremony will be held at the mausoleum of Imam Reza in Mashhad.
After the farewell ceremony in Tabriz in the province of East Azerbaijan, the president's body will also be transported to Qom, Tehran, Birjand, and then to Mashhad.
16:20 GMT 20.05.2024
Tehran Residents Participate in Mourning Rally in Memory of President Raisi
Hundreds of residents of the Iranian capital of Tehran gathered Monday for a mourning rally at Valiasr Square in memory of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage, who died in a helicopter crash, a Sputnik correspondent reported.
Many demonstrators are holding posters with portraits of the victims of the tragedy, images of former and current supreme leaders, Ruhollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei, respectively, as well as photos of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's elite Quds Force, who was killed by a US drone strike in Baghdad on January 3, 2020.
15:26 GMT 20.05.2024
Skilled Orator Raisi Highlighted BRICS and SCO Development, Criticized the West
Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi was a skilled orator, often criticizing the West and emphasizing the importance of developing the BRICS and SCO platforms.
14:48 GMT 20.05.2024
UNSC Observes Minute of Silence Following Death of Iranian President Raisi
The UN Security Council members observed a minute of silence at the beginning of the session on Ukraine to mourn the death of the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Mozambique Ambassador to the United Nations Pedro Comissario Afonso, who presides over the UN Security Council this month, said on Monday.
The members stood up around the table at the UN Security Council and maintained silence for one minute.
14:47 GMT 20.05.2024
Greek Foreign Minister Says Not Expecting Changes in Iran's Policy After Raisi's Death
Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis said on Monday that he did not expect any upheavals in Iran or changes in international posture toward the country following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
"The reality is that Iran has a very closed and strict system, so I believe there will be no major upheavals … I believe that despite slight fluctuations in the transition period, there will be no change in either foreign policy or regional or international posture toward Iran," Gerapetritis told Greece’s Talk radio.
Gerapetritis added that Amirabdollahian as foreign minister had played an important role in the overall chain of command within Iran and had been in touch with his Greek counterpart regualrly.
The top Greek diplomat offered his condolences to the Iranian people and government.
14:34 GMT 20.05.2024
UN Chief 'Saddened' by Death of Iranian President Raisi - Spokesperson
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is saddened by the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said on Monday.
"The Secretary-General is saddened by the death of H.E. Mr. Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Mr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Minister for Foreign Affairs and their colleagues in a helicopter accident on 19 May. The Secretary-General expresses his sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and to the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran," Dujarric said in a statement.
14:32 GMT 20.05.2024
Looking Back on Presidents and National Leaders Who Were Victims of Plane Disasters
On May 19, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi tragically lost his life in a helicopter crash in the Islamic Republic’s East Azerbaijan province. Sputnik has compiled a list of high-profile air crashes involving head of states, along with information on the possible involvement of Western powers in some of these catastrophes.
April 10, 2010
Polish President Lech Kaczynski tragically perished in a plane crash near the Russian city of Smolensk. A subsequent investigation conducted by Warsaw officials determined that the accident was a result of errors made by the crew and inadequate flight planning. The aircraft involved in the disaster was a Tu-154.
April 6, 1994
President of Rwanda Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundi President Cyprien Ntaryamira tragically lost their lives after their plane transporting them was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. The culprits were never identified. This event served as a catalyst for one of the most brutal chapters in recent history - the genocide of the Tutsi people, who were wrongly held responsible for the assassination of the Rwandan leader. It is estimated that nearly 1 million lives were lost in the ensuing ethnic violence. The aircraft involved in the disaster was a Dassault Falcon 50.
August 17, 1988
President of Pakistan Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq died in a plane crash along with the US Ambassador to Islamabad and the Pakistani intelligence chief who was responsible for supporting Afghan militants. The exact cause of this accident also remains a mystery, since the plane’s black box was never found. The aircraft involved in the disaster was a Lockheed C-130 Hercules.
July 31, 1981
Panama revolutionary leader General Omar Torrijos tragically died in a plane crash. Despite allegations by global public opinion, including the Soviet Union, that the United States was involved, the exact cause of the crash remains unresolved. This suspicion arose due to Torrijos having previously been successful in stripping Washington of its control over the Panama Canal, which it had held since 1903.
The aircraft involved in the disaster was a De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter.
January 24, 1974
Togolese President Gnassingbe Eyadema survived a plane crash. He claimed that the accident was actually an act of sabotage, following his decision to abandon talks with French companies over phosphate mines. He believed his survival was a result of divine intervention, and subsequently ordered the construction of a monument at the crash site.
The aircraft involved in the disaster was a Douglas C-47.
April 13, 1966
Iraqi President Abdul Salam Mohammed ʿArif al-Jumayli tragically died in a plane crash near Basra. Some investigators suggested that the crash may have been the result of sabotage by Baath sympathizers. The aircraft involved in the disaster was a de Havilland DH.104 Dove 1.
February 17, 1959
Turkish Prime Minister Adnan Menderes miraculously survived a plane crash while en route to London in order to finalize an agreement on Cyprus with the United Kingdom and Greece. The investigation into the crash was unable to determine the cause of the accident. The aircraft model involved in the disaster was a Viscount Type 793
March 17, 1957
Philippine President Ramon del Fierro Magsaysay, accompanied by several journalists, perished in a plane crash on his journey back to Manila. The sole survivor of the crash, Nestor Mata, went on to become a well-known journalist in the Philippines. The aircraft involved in the disaster was a Douglas C-47 Skytrain
September 7, 1940
Jose Felix Estigarribia Insaurralde, the 34th President of Paraguay and a prominent war leader, along with his spouse Julia Miranda Cueto, tragically died in a plane crash while en route from Altos to his residence in San Bernardino. The aircraft involved in the disaster was a Potez 25 TOE.
14:11 GMT 20.05.2024
Late Iran Foreign Minister’s Drive to Bolster Ties With Saudi Arabia Was ‘Thorn in Israel’s Side’ – Prof.
In terms of the consequences of the passing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister, “let’s not forget Hossein Ameer Abdullahian was a seasoned diplomat,” Dr Alexander Azadgan, US-based professor of International Political Economy and chief geopolitical counsel with the Serbian Center for Strategic Studies, told Sputnik.
Ameer Abdullahian was “quite instrumental in his shuttle diplomacy in bringing Iran and Saudi Arabia together, a thorn at the side of Israel,” Azadgan stressed.
“Many, perhaps, may not be aware of the tremendous hard work and diplomacy that Dr Ameer Abdullahian played in terms of avoiding war between Iran and Azerbaijan. It's so ironic that this helicopter crashed at the Iran-Azerbaijan border,” the professor added.
According to him, “It's fascinating, how important of a role this country [Iran] has in the grand geopolitical games. Iran is a signatory to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and it has just became a member of the BRICS”, which also includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
“Iran wants to be instrumental in the Road and Belt initiative of the Chinese. Iran has very close relationship with Russia. And we all know the tremendous tension between Iran and the US during the past 45 years,” Azadgan said.
13:29 GMT 20.05.2024
Ebrahim Raisi Predicted NATO Collapse
11:30 GMT 20.05.2024
Vladimir Putin Expresses Condolences to Iran’s Interim President Mohammad Mokhber
The Russian president talked with Mokhber by phone, sending his condolences to the Iranian people regarding the death of their president Ebrahim Raisi
Both parties stressed they are determined to further the consistent comprehensive strengthening of the Russia-Iran partnership.
10:28 GMT 20.05.2024
Israel Claims Non-Involvement in Iranian President's Death
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.05.2024
Israel Denies Involvement in Iranian President's Deadly Copter Crash - Reports
09:55 GMT 20.05.2024
Footage of Iranian Authorities Transporting Victims' Bodies
09:44 GMT 20.05.2024
Funeral Ceremony of Ebrahim Raisi and His Delegation Scheduled on May 21 in Tabriz
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