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Putin Highlights Role of Border Guards in Protecting Russia in Address on Border Guards Day

© Sputnik / Alexander Kazakov / Go to the mediabankRussian President Vladimir Putin congratulates veterans and current service members on Border Guards Day
Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates veterans and current service members on Border Guards Day - Sputnik International, 1920, 28.05.2024
Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated veterans and current service members on Border Guards Day, saying that Russian border guards act professionally and selflessly on all Russian borders, protecting the country's sovereignty and national interests.
“It is largely thanks to the determination of border guards that repeated attempts by gangs of mercenaries, traitors and sabotage groups of the enemy to break into Russian territory have been thwarted. Those who planned these terrorist raids on our land miscalculated and met a tough and harsh response,” the president said in a congratulatory message on Border Guards Day. Putin expressed confidence that border guards will continue to act just as bravely and firmly in solving the tasks of the special military operation.
The president said the heroism of border guards during the Great Patriotic War will forever remain an example of steadfastness and unbreakable will. The guards, having taken the first blow of the enemy, did not retreat, he recalled, but “bravely fought on the fronts and in partisan detachments, destroyed Nazi collaborators and together with all the people brought the Great Victory closer.”

“Today you continue these valiant traditions and protect the life and safety of our citizens, sovereignty and national interests of the country. You act professionally and selflessly on all borders of Russia - from the Arctic and the Pacific Ocean to the Black and Baltic seas,” Putin said.

Putin speaks to representatives of Russian security services. June 2023. File photo. - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.03.2024
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