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Hungary to Be Stripped of Top EU Posts as Punishment for Opposing Ukraine Funding - Report

© AP Photo / Virginia MayoHungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrives for an EU summit at the European Council building in Brussels, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023.
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrives for an EU summit at the European Council building in Brussels, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023. - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.05.2024
Hungary has long been a thorn in the side of the EU authorities in Brussels in everything linked with the Ukraine conflict. Staunchly refusing to fan the flames of the ongoing NATO proxy conflict with Russia, Budapest has been fending off mounting pressure from its increasingly frustrated fellow EU leaders.
Hungary is to be meted out a dose of “punishment” by fellow EU leaders for its staunch opposition to arming Ukraine, Politico reported.
A plan is afoot to slap Budapest’s representatives with a “weak portfolio” in the next European Commission, according to diplomats cited by the outlet.
Hungary’s Oliver Varhelyi has held the post of European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement since 2019. However, after the elections slated for June 6-9, Hungary should not expect to land any senior posts in the European Commission, stated the report.
There is hardly "even a question" of the country being allowed to retain control of any high positions, one insider was cited as saying.
“After the disaster this time round with Várhelyi and the way Orbán is taking on [Commission President Ursula] von der Leyen, there is no way she will hand over anything important [to] someone close to him,” said an envoy.
Hungary has resisted pressure from all sides to march in lockstep with other EU and NATO patrons of the Kiev regime. It has stuck to its guns on opposing everything from disbursing cash to further pump Ukraine with Western weapons to its NATO accession bid.
As part of its vehement opposition to the ongoing NATO proxy war in Ukraine, Hungary has been holding up a multi-million euro military aid package for Kiev that was agreed in March. Budapest insisted on the need to “make peace,” and “to prevent the escalation” of the conflict. On Monday, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto acknowledged after a Brussels meeting that there had been a "huge row" about Hungary's veto on military assistance for Ukraine covering €6.5 billion with German, Polish, Lithuanian colleagues.
Hungary has also reportedly been holding up holding up legislation to fast-track handing Ukraine profits from illegally frozen Russian assets
Amid statements by Western politicians and media reports indicating that Europe is preparing for a war with Russia, Hungary's prime Minister Victor Orban has insisted that talks about the "Russian threat" are nothing but a maneuver of the West.
"I interpret these references to the 'Russian threat' rather as maneuvers by the West and Europe to prepare for entry into war," Orban told the Kossuth radio broadcaster recently.
As for NATO, after slamming the military alliance for its “war planning” just recently, Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced a legal effort to “redefine” Hungary’s status in the bloc.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrives to take part in the inaugural meeting of the European Political Community - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.05.2024
Orban Calls Talks About 'Russian Threat' West's Maneuver to Prepare for War
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