- Sputnik International, 1920
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Russian Team Leads Overall Medal Count After Second Day of BRICS Games

© Sputnik / Maksim Blinov / Go to the mediabankRussian flag on Red Square
Russian flag on Red Square - Sputnik International, 1920, 14.06.2024
Russia is in the lead in the overall medal count after the second day of the BRICS Games in Kazan.
Russian athletes have won 40 gold, 24 silver, and 14 bronze medals after two days of competitions. The Belarusians (7-13-15) are in second place, while the Chinese team (7-7-3) is in third place.
Silver medallist Polina Andreeva of Russia, gold medallist Elizaveta Zhatkina of Russia and bronze medallist Victoria Nazareth Tovar Milano of Venezuela - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.06.2024
Russian Weightlifter Shines With Gold Medal at BRICS Games
The BRICS Games, which started in Kazan earlier this week, will run through June 24. The event brings together some 5,000 athletes from over 90 countries to compete for 387 medal sets.
In his address at the opening ceremony of the games, Russian President Vladimir Putin highlighted the event as a symbol of expanding intercultural dialogue and a significant contribution to strengthening international friendship and cooperation.
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