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LIVE UPDATES: Putin, Vietnamese Head Start Bilateral Talks

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According to official statistics, trade turnover between Russia and Vietnam has grown by more than 8% and will reach $5 billion in 2023. During the visit, the Russian and Vietnamese delegations will adopt a joint declaration and sign about 20 documents on joint cooperation.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Vietnam for the first time since 2017. Ahead of his visit, Putin penned an article for Nhan Dan, the official newspaper of the Vietnamese Communist Party, in which he shared his views on Moscow-Hanoi relations.

The president stressed that Russia and Vietnam share the same stance on building a new Eurasian security structure that will be equal, indivisible, inclusive and non-discriminatory.

Moreover, Putin thanked the Vietnamese government for its balanced position on the situation around Ukraine and promised to work closely with Hanoi on key international platforms, including the United Nations.
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10:39 GMT 20.06.2024
Russia, Vietnam Concerned About Threat of Arms Race in Space - Statement
Russia and Vietnam are concerned about the threat of an arms race in space and emphasize the need to use outer space exclusively for peaceful purposes, the countries said in a joint statement issued on Thursday.
"Both states express concern about the threat of an arms race in outer space, emphasize the need to use outer space exclusively for peaceful purposes, advocate for early negotiations on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, against the use or threat of force in outer space, as well as promoting initiatives and commitments not to be the first to place weapons in space," the statement read.
08:22 GMT 20.06.2024
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Vietnamese counterpart To Lam. June 20, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.06.2024
Russian-Vietnamese Strategic Partnership: Key Takeaways From Putin-Lam Talks
07:21 GMT 20.06.2024
Russia, Vietnam to Bolster Partnerhsip in Defense and Security - Vietnamese President
06:28 GMT 20.06.2024
06:27 GMT 20.06.2024
06:22 GMT 20.06.2024
Putin Calls Strengthening Strategic Partnership With Vietnam One of Russia's Priority
Strengthening a comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam is among Russia's priorities, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.
"Strengthening a comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam remains one of our priorities," Putin said at talks with Vietnamese President To Lam.
Russia and Vietnam maintain regular and meaningful political contacts, including through parliaments, ministries and departments, the president said.

"Last year, [bilateral] trade grew by 8%. The intergovernmental commission on both sides is working closely on this. The growth of trade, of course, is facilitated by the implementation of the 2015 free trade agreement between the EAEU [Eurasian Economic Union] and Vietnam," the president added.

06:08 GMT 20.06.2024
Putin Invites Vietnamese President in Moscow on 80th Anniversary of Russia’s Victory in WWII
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday invited Vietnamese President To Lam to celebrate the 80th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War in Moscow.
"We will be glad to see you at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War in Moscow," Putin said at talks with To Lam.
06:05 GMT 20.06.2024
Russia-Vietnam Economic, Trade Ties Developing Progressively, Trade Turnover Grew by 8% in 2023 – Putin
06:01 GMT 20.06.2024
05:59 GMT 20.06.2024
05:38 GMT 20.06.2024
05:37 GMT 20.06.2024
05:21 GMT 20.06.2024
Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend a meeting as part of the 3rd Belt and Road Forum at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing, China - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.06.2024
Russia to Continue Developing Cooperation With Vietnam - Putin
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