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North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Towards East Sea - Reports

Photo from the test launch of strategic cruise missile Pulhwasal-3-31b by North Korea on 24 January.
Photo from the test launch of strategic cruise missile Pulhwasal-3-31b by North Korea on 24 January. - Sputnik International, 1920, 26.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - North Korea launched an unspecified ballistic missile toward the Sea of Japan, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported on Tuesday, citing the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The launch has been detected by the South Korean military but there are no further details on the matter, the news agency reported.
Yonhap later reported, citing the South Korean military, that the launch of Pyongyang's unidentified ballistic missile appears to have failed.
Japanese broadcaster NHK reported, citing a government source, that the North's missile appears to have landed outside Japan's exclusive economic zone.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sign a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement. June 19, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 25.06.2024
Russia Says North Korea Pact Warning to Those Seeking Military Solutions to Regional Problems
The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed on Wednesday that Pyongyang's launch appears to have failed.
"Today, on June 26, at around 5:30 a.m. [local time, 20:30 GMT on June 25], North Korea launched an unspecified ballistic missile from the area around Pyongyang toward the East Sea [the Sea of Japan], but presumably unsuccessfully. South Korean and US agencies continue additional analysis," the South's military said in a statement.
Yonhap cited a military source as saying that Pyongyang appears to have test-fired a hypersonic missile, but the test is believed to have failed since the missile flew about 250 kilometers (155 miles).
Russian officials repeatedly stressed that US and its allies bear responsibility for worsening situation on the Korean Peninsula, while Pyongyang has no choice but to bolster its military capabilities in order to deter adversaries.
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