- Sputnik International, 1920
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Bombs Away! How Much Damage Can Russian FAB Munitions Do

Engineers at Russia’s top defense conglomerate Rostec are now working at increasing the range of the weapon that has become a literal nightmare for the Ukrainian military in recent months – the FAB-3000 bomb.
Outfitted with a universal gliding and correction module, these three-ton monstrosities can be dropped from an aircraft far away from their intended target and still hit the latter with unerring precision, thus allowing the bomber to avoid getting too close to enemy air defenses.
Rostec now seeks to improve these modules even further, which would greatly increase the range of FAB bombs and turn the lives of Ukrainian air defense operators into living hell.
This infographic compiled by Sputnik shows what types of FAB bombs Russia has at its disposal and how much havoc they can wreak.
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