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Trump’s Looming Reelection May Lead to Complete Deterioration of China-US Relations - Expert

© AP Photo / Andy WongAmerican flags are displayed together with Chinese flags
American flags are displayed together with Chinese flags - Sputnik International, 1920, 18.07.2024
A Chinese international relations professor has told Sputnik that as the likelihood of former US President Donald Trump returning to office increases, so does the potential for deeper social and political divisions between Washington and Beijing.
After Joe Biden’s notoriously disastrous performance at the first presidential debate in June, Donald Trump seems set to win November's election.
A Trump victory would likely mean even higher tensions between China and the US, given that he was initiator of the trade war, Wang Dong, Full Professor and Executive Director of Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding at Peking University, told Sputnik.

“He has already signaled that he's going to launch a new round of trade war against China," Wang noted. "That might quickly lead to deterioration in the bilateral relationship. And I think it's also very likely that the American political sentiments toward China would become more hostile.”

A new wave of US-China rivalry could have serious consequences for the whole world, negatively affecting Washington’s allies and hindering international markets.
“I believe it's going to be quite a challenge, not only for China-US relations, but also for international society as a whole. And everyone will have to adjust to that,” Wang stressed.
The NATO flag flutters in the wins after it was hoisted in front of the headquarters of Sweden's Armed Forces in Stockholm on March 11, 2024, to mark the entry of Sweden in the alliance. - Sputnik International, 1920, 17.07.2024
China in the Bullseye: NATO Expands Definition of 'North Atlantic' to Confront Beijing
The scholar also highlighted the issue deep-rooted American exceptionalism and fundamental values at the epicenter of political debate in the electoral campaign.
“The Republicans in their newly released 2024 Party Platform claim they are trying to rebuild American values," Wang said. "Conservatives in the US feel like they are fed up with the LGBT*, gender equality rhetoric. They think: enough is enough. They say: it's totally immoral. And thus the Republicans make this kind of moral argument which actually will help them mobilize their base.”
Both Biden and Trump appeal to popular belief in America’s greatness and exclusive place in the world.
But the two camps disagree in whether that should be achieved through upholding the status quo or not, the academic arged. Western self-centric attitudes remain almost unchanged.

“They still see the world as black and white, as in the democracy versus authoritarianism narrative," Wang said. "Unfortunately, a lot of Europeans cannot see the world in more realistic terms either."

"They are not able to recognize different cultures, different civilizations, countries with different systems with more respect. It's too hard for them. I think the western-centric perspective is still pretty much deeply rooted in the minds of the western elites,” he concluded.
*extremist organization banned in Russia.
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