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Moldovagaz Says Suspended Natural Gas Purchases Due to Spike in Gas Prices in Europe

© Sputnik / Ruslan KrivobokA booster gas pipeline pumping station at an oil and gas field.
A booster gas pipeline pumping station at an oil and gas field. - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.08.2024
CHISINAU (Sputnik) - Moldova's energy company Moldovagaz has suspended its purchases of natural gas due to a sharp spike in prices in the European gas market, its head Vadim Ceban said on Thursday.
"We made purchases last week and then took a break. We will see how things will go on, and perhaps next week we will resume purchases for September," Ceban told reporters.
The Moldovagaz head also expressed his hope that gas prices would stabilize soon.
In early August, the gas prices on the European market hit $457 per 1,000 cubic meters, which is highest since last December.
Gas pipeline - Sputnik International, 1920, 14.08.2024
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In late July, Moldovan Energy Minister Victor Parlicov said that the country needed to pump 150 million cubic meters of gas to its gas storage by November 1, which is about 15% of the average annual gas consumption in Moldova.

Since December 2022, Moldovagaz has been receiving gas from the Energocom state company and Gazprom. Russian gas is sent to Transnistria in exchange for electricity produced by the local power plant, while the rest of Moldova uses gas from accumulated reserves.

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