- Sputnik International, 1920
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US Research Into Bioweapons Targeting Slavs Underway Since at Least the 1990s: Expert

© AP Photo / PETER COSGROVEMembers of the U.S. Army Technical Escort Unit Chemical/Biological Team, in gray HAZMAT suits, are decontaminated by Orlando firefighters, in white HAZMAT suits, at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, May 14, 2002. The training exercise was called Sunshine Guardian.
Members of the U.S. Army Technical Escort Unit Chemical/Biological Team, in gray HAZMAT suits, are decontaminated by Orlando firefighters, in white HAZMAT suits, at the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, May 14, 2002. The training exercise was called Sunshine Guardian.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.08.2024
Damning new details regarding the US military’s efforts to create ethnically-selective virus strains in Ukraine have been presented by Russia’s Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops. The new information is further evidence of an international criminal conspiracy going back decades, experts tell Sputnik.
“The United States is reportedly continuing its efforts to develop bioagents capable of selectively targeting different ethnic groups,” RCBD Troops chief Igor Kirillov said in a briefing Tuesday on the US government, military and Big Pharma’s ongoing military-biological activities in Ukraine.
“According to available information, the United States has begun to actively involve Moldova and Romania in its biomaterial logistics schemes” for the transfer of the biomaterials of Ukrainians out of the country, Kirillov said, detailing how Russia's special military operation has forced the US and its allies to adjust their tactics and try to cover their tracks.
“Such tactics can conceal the final recipient and divert suspicions away from US government agencies and the US biological warfare program,” Kirillov added.
Sputnik has been reporting on suspected US efforts to develop bioweapons targeting specific ethnic groups and genotypes since 2017, pointing to academic papers, DARPA research documents, and policy papers like the infamous September 2000 ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ paper by the Project for a New American Century, which cited the dawning of an advanced new form of warfare “that can ‘target’ specific genotypes” and “transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”
From March 2022 onward, the RCBD Troops have been detailing US and NATO efforts in Ukraine to develop viruses targeting certain ethnic groups, infect local flora and fauna, and be spread naturally by migrating birds, mosquitos, waterways and other means.
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“The task was set back in 1999 by then-CIA director George Tenet to create pathogens that would be ethnicity-specific. Tenet, one could say, is the main villain of the 21st century, outdoing even Bill Gates on this question,” Igor Nikulin, a Russian military expert and former member of the UN Commission on Chemical and Biological Weapons, told Sputnik, commenting on the RCBD Troops’ latest revelations.

“The Americans first showed interest in the Slavic ethnic group and genome in the early 1990s, perhaps even earlier. In the early 1990s, I worked on the Human Genome Project as a junior research fellow at the Institute of Molecular Biology of the Academy of Sciences. The Americans would ask not only for our decoding work, but all the source materials as well, supposedly for verification. Then, during what was still the Soviet Union, hundreds if not thousands of samples went overseas to these very same American and European laboratories. So, for all these years, various companies, foundations and non-governmental organizations have been collecting the genetic materials of Russians,” Nikulin said.
A member of the US Army Technical Escort Unit (TSU) demonstrates a hazmat suit as they show some of their response capabilities to chemical and biologicial operations in support of the US Department of Defense, federal, state, and local agencies 12 November 2002 - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.04.2020
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As for the idea of bioweapons targeting certain ethnic groups, it’s been known about since at least the 1930s, the observer stressed.
“Atypical pneumonia, let’s say, targets the Slavs, the same as typhus, which the Japanese discovered in the 1930s affects mainly white Europeans. Delta-Omicron strains of Covid affect Asians – the Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese. Ebola affects Africans, and is a product of high [bio]technology never before recorded. MERS (Middle East Acute Respiratory Syndromes) targets Arabs. So there are already specific approaches for every national and racial group,” Nikulin explained.
Former Executive Intelligence Review White House correspondent William Jones believes the diabolical logic behind US military biological research in the former Soviet space from the 1990s onward is not far off from that of the Nazis during WWII.
“Most disconcerting are General Kirillov’s statements that blood samples are also being transported back to US labs for the selection of biological agents that are most dangerous for the population of a certain region that target a particular group of people. This gives an even more sinister touch that puts US policy in the same realm as the Wannsee Conference in 1942, where General Reinhard Heydrich revealed his plans for a ‘final solution’ to the ‘Jewish question’,” Jones told Sputnik.
“Many of these labs had been set up during Soviet times, but with the fall of the Soviet Union and the creation of an independent Ukraine, US inspectors, with the [stated] intention of eliminating the biological weapons there, have actually utilized and expanded them with the thought of a possible conflict with the Russian Federation,” the observer stressed.
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Client States Do Dirty Work

Nikulin was not surprised by Kirillov’s comments about the new transport scheme involving Moldova, and using of the logistics companies Gamma Logistics and Aerotranscargo, which, according to the Russian MoD, are controlled by Moldovan President Maia Sandu. This logistical network is both convenient and secure in the sense that the Moldovan government can be relied on not to ask any “unnecessary questions,” the observer believes.
“One thing is clear: Maia Sandu is an agent, possibly of the CIA, or maybe the State Department. That is, she is their woman, carrying out their assignments in Eastern Europe. She is also involved in the dirtiest businesses, starting with the trade in children and organs organized by the ‘defenders’ of Ukraine, which are very actively bought up by black transplantologists from the US, Israel, Britain and other countries,” Nikulin said.
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