SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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Switzerland Dumps Neutrality as Senate Rejects Ban on Joining NATO Drills

© AP Photo / ARNO BALZARINIMembers of the Swiss army install barbed wire to secure the area around the Belvedere hotel in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, January 9, 2008.
Members of the Swiss army install barbed wire to secure the area around the Belvedere hotel in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, January 9, 2008. - Sputnik International, 1920, 18.09.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Swiss Council of States, the upper house of the parliament, said on Wednesday that it had voted against a ban on the participation of its military in joint NATO drills.
"The participation of Switzerland in joint defense exercises with NATO must not be banned. The Council of States rejected a motion from the National Council to this effect on Wednesday by 29 votes to 12 and after a lively debate," the upper house said in a statement.
Swiss senators believe that in case of an attack on the country, its neutral status will disappear, so Switzerland's army needs to be ready to defend itself.
Members of the Swiss army install barbed wire to secure the area around the Belvedere hotel in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, January 9, 2008. - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.08.2024
Swiss Parliament Rejects Proposal to Ban Country's Army From Participating in NATO Drills

Switzerland is neither an EU or a NATO member, but Bern has joined almost all European sanctions against Russia since February 24, 2022. In 2024, the Swiss military will take part in 20 exercises outside its territory and four drills on its territory, all of them with the participation of NATO countries.

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