In a recorded address published on Telegram on Monday, Zelensky expressed his belief that it was not the right time for any elections in the country and proposed extending martial law until November 14, 2024. Later on Monday, the Ukrainian parliament's Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence approved the extension of martial law.
"Zelensky is very much afraid of seeing a popular general be candidate for the presidential election ... His decision gives him a few months of respite in the controlled environment he has created, but the US and the EU will increase the pressure on Zelensky for negotiations, as if Russia would accept them now. He is cornered and has lost his army support. His future is bleak," Gave said.
Moreover, Zelensky's statement came after a number of unflattering reports by Western media, the French expert noted. Time magazine, in particular, reported earlier in November, citing members of the Ukrainian president's inner circle, that Zelensky was isolated in his belief that Kiev could still succeed in hostilities against Russia. Moreover, Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi gave an interview to the Economist in which he stated that Kiev's counteroffensive was "at a stalemate" — claims that were later rejected and harshly criticized by Zelensky as playing into the hands of Russia.
"The Western press discovers with astonishment that the war is lost for Ukraine and that the two heads of the country are in total and bitter opposition against each other," Gave told Sputnik.
A presidential election is supposed to take place in Ukraine in March 2024 in accordance with the country's legislation. However, the Ukrainian Constitution prohibits holding elections under martial law, which has been in effect in the country since the beginning of Russia's military operation in February 2022.
In August 2023, Zelensky extended martial law by another 90 days, until November 15. The parliamentary elections, which were supposed to take place in Ukraine on October 29, were, in particular, postponed due to martial law.