
Russia's UNSC Resolution Urges States to Negotiate Early on Multilateral Space Agreements

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - A newly drafted Russian UN Security Council resolution on outer space calls on states to hold discussions from the outset to find a reliable and truthful legally binding multilateral agreement, the text says, as seen by Sputnik.
In addition, the document, urges all nations, particularly those with advanced space capabilities, to prevent any placement of weapons in outer space and threats coming from space both to Earth and vice versa.
The draft also stresses the importance of preventing an arms race in outer space, urging adherence to UN Charter provisions and highlighting the need for international negotiations to strengthen the legal regime governing outer space activities.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow had always been categorically against deploying nuclear weapons in space and its position on this issue is clear and transparent. Russia's activities in space are no different from those of other countries, including the United States, and they know it, Putin added.

Russia’s UNSC Draft Resolution on Outer Space Security 'Balanced' Unlike US Version

The Russia-proposed UN Security Council draft resolution on security in outer space is more comprehensive and balanced than the previous US draft, Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Fu Cong said on Monday.

"The draft resolution on Outer Space Security previously proposed by the US and Japan in the Council is neither comprehensive nor balanced," Fu said.

"The Russian Federation has recently submitted a new draft resolution in the Council that is more comprehensive and balanced," he added.
China will support Russia’s draft and looks forward to reaching an agreement among the UN Security Council members, Fu added.
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