
Russia Condemns US, UK ‘Pointless Strikes' in Red Sea

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Russia condemns the United States' and United Kingdom's strikes in the Red Sea and considers them "pointless," Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said on Thursday.
"[W]e condemn the strikes by the US- and UK-led coalition targeting the sovereign territory of Yemen. This aggression is being perpetrated in violation of the UN Charter. It is pointless insofar as it cannot stop the attacks in the Red Sea," Nebenzia said during a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation concerning Yemen.
Nebenzia said that these "reckless instances" of the use of force by NATO countries leave behind them a stain of blood.
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On June 7, United Nations spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said the Allah Ansar movement in Yemen - whose supporters are popularly known as Houthis - had detained 11 UN personnel. Three days later, the Houthis said they detained spies linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency for allegedly carrying out intelligence and sabotage activities in Yemen.