
Putin Orders Shipbuilding Boost to Counter Rising NATO Presence

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has given instructions on the development of shipbuilding to ensure the country's defense and security, they take into account the rapidly changing global situation, Russian presidential aide Nikolai Patrushev said on Wednesday.
Putin has instructed to adjust the strategic planning documents necessary for the balanced development of the Russian naval forces in order to effectively protect the country's national interests, the official said.
"Putin gave a number of instructions on the development of shipbuilding to ensure the defense and security of the state. The instructions of the head of state were given following a meeting on shipbuilding and take into account the rapidly changing situation in the world," Patrushev told reporters, adding that Russia is obliged to strengthen its naval forces.
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The United States and other NATO countries are increasing their naval presence in major areas of the World Ocean, including in waters directly adjacent to the territory of Russia, the official said.
"They are actively sending their naval forces to places where resources are extracted. Under the guise of fighting piracy and terrorism blocking waterways, arresting and inspecting cargo and passenger ships flying any flag, increasing the number of naval bases and military exercises, they are trying to limit the national interests of sovereign states," the official added.