SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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North Korea Used 'Ultra-Large Caliber' MLRS to Launch Missiles - Reports

© Photo : KCNANorth Korea's first combined tactical exercise simulating nuclear counterattack.
North Korea's first combined tactical exercise simulating nuclear counterattack. - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.05.2024
North Korea launched ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan early Thursday, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported, citing South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The DPRK allegedly used KN-25 "ultra-large caliber" 600 mm multiple rocket launchers to fire ballistic missiles on Thursday, Yonhap reported, citing South Korean military data.
The distance traveled by the missiles suggests that Seoul and several key air bases on the territory of South Korea are within their target zone if they were launched from Pyongyang, the agency added.
The Committee of Chiefs of Staff of the South Korean Armed Forces reported that the DPRK launched what are believed to be 10 short-range ballistic missiles from the Sunan area near Pyongyang towards the Sea of Japan at 06:14 local time. The simultaneous launch of so many missiles is unusual, the agency said.
A test of the Korean People's Army's KN-25 short-range ballistic missile, with a range of 380 kilometers - Sputnik International, 1920, 29.05.2024
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At least one of the ballistic missiles launched by North Korea flew 350 kilometers at a maximum altitude of 100 kilometers, according to the Japanese Defense Ministry. As noted, all of the missiles fell outside Japan's exclusive economic zone.
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