SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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Russia Creates World's First Ground-Based FPV Kamikaze Drone

© Sputnik / Nina Padalko / Go to the mediabankRostec Corporation's stand at the World Defense Show
Rostec Corporation's stand at the World Defense Show - Sputnik International, 1920, 01.06.2024
Russian forces use FPV drones for various military operations and surveillance purposes. These devices assist in targeting by providing real-time video footage and enhanced situational awareness. Previously, FPV drones were exclusively flying copters, but now Russia has developed a unique ground-based kamikaze drone.
Russia has created the world's first ground-based kamikaze robot, named "Depesha" (lit. "Dispatch"), controlled using joystick and FPV helmet. The machine is designed to hit enemy manpower and equipment, as well as fortifications, the press service of Rostec State Corporation said.

"The High Precision Complexes Holding (part of Rostec) has developed the multi-functional robot complexes Depesha and Buggy. The Depesha robot is mounted on a tracked platform and controlled by an operator using a joystick and an FPV helmet. The Buggy robot has a wheeled platform and is controlled by a joystick and a tablet. Both robots can be used as ground-based kamikaze drones to attack enemy targets by detonating a payload that the robot carries to the target," the report said.

The most important features of the machines include compactness, maneuverability, and payload. Depesha has a payload of 150 kilograms and the Buggy drone has 250 kilograms, making them reliable assistants for soldiers on the front line.
Various versions of the robots can be used to strike the enemy's manpower, fortifications such as pillboxes, fortified firing points, and strongholds. They can also be used to overcome and clear defensive barriers, such as dragon's teeth, allowing for the passage of armored vehicles. In addition, these robots can lay land mines.
Depesha and Buggy can also quickly and discreetly deliver food, ammunition, and fuel to the front line and even evacuate wounded soldiers.
The robots are currently undergoing extensive testing in the special military operation zone.
FPV kamikaze drone in the hands of a Russian soldier in the zone of the special military operation. - Sputnik International, 1920, 16.04.2024
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