- Sputnik International, 1920
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Milorad Dodik: BiH Peaceful Separation Solution ‘in Accordance With Dayton Peace Treaty’

Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik spoke with Sputnik on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), weighing in on issues such as the UN Srebrenica resolution and the proposed peaceful separation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A controversial resolution passed by the UN General Assembly that named July 11 as "International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica" is no more than a superficial document, Milorad Dodik, president of Republika Srpska, told Sputnik in an exclusive interview.

“It is only called a resolution to make it sound more serious and impressive, but in reality, it is an absolutely superficial document. It was imposed by the international community and is absolutely out of keeping with the law. This is a private act by people from Sarajevo, supported by New York, and it has nothing to do with reality,” the president said.

Dodik underscored that relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina were already difficult, but now they are more so than ever.
That’s why we don’t take the resolution seriously. This is a purely technical action that was carried out intentionally," he noted.
The vote count during the session of the UN’s General Assembly on Srebrenica has since raised questions, as the 87 countries that did not vote for the resolution actually exceeded the 84 of those that backed the draft, formally proposed by Germany and Rwanda.

"In the civilized world, the opinion of the majority has always been respected. However, as we can see, this is not the case here, as the majority did not vote in favor,” Dodik noted.

The president deplored the fact that the resolution, in essence, “pulled the plug for a long time on any possibility of normal coexistence of Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

The leaders of Serbia and Republika Srpska acknowledge the tragic deaths of thousands of Bosnian Muslim men in Srebrenica as a war crime perpetrated by certain individuals, but categorically reject its characterization as a genocide, and challenge the claims put forward by Bosnia's authorities and the West about the death toll.

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 - Sputnik International, 1920, 06.06.2024
Putin Meets World Leaders at SPIEF

BiH Peaceful Separation ‘in Accordance with Dayton Peace Treaty’

The Bosnia and Herzegovina peaceful separation plan proposed by Republika Srpska is a solution that is “absolutely possible in accordance with the Dayton Peace Treaty,” Milorad Dodik said.

“Republika Srpska is one of the signatories of this accord. We signed 11 quite specific pages. And if we are talking about some global decisions, then only Republika Srpska and the Federation [of Bosnia and Herzegovina], the other party, have the opportunity to make initiatives and decisions in this context. But until today, it was completely different. All the initiatives, and even meddling in the Dayton Treaty were carried out by outside forces," Dodik stressed.

The Balkan state of Bosnia and Herzegovina formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992 and consists of two major entities. The first part, consisting of Catholic Croats and Muslim Bosniaks, is the Federation of BiH, while the second, Republika Srpska, is the Christian Orthodox part, populated by Serbs.

Milorad Dodik announced in May that Republika Srpska would present a proposal to its partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina outlining a peaceful separation plan.
First, our proposal will be to clarify the political competences of each of our entities [comprising Bosnia and Herzegovina]. We will propose keeping the current economic model in place, but later adapt it to the peaceful separation process. The Serbian people can no longer live in this kind of BiH. What the Bosniaks did with the resolution on Srebrenica is illegal, and it shows that [the architects of the resolution] did not respect the Serbs,” he wrote on X.
Bosnian Serb Army soldier measures levels of radiation on weapons and army equipment at a military factory in eastern Bosnian town of Bratunac, 40 miles (65 kms)  southeast of Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2001.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.05.2024
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Putin ‘Respects’ BiH Peaceful Separation Solution

Russia's President Vladimir utin "understands and respects" Bosnia and Herzegovina's peaceful separation solution proposed by Republika Srpska, Dodik stated.
The Republika Srpska president met with the Russian head of state on the sidelines of the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
The 2024 edition of Russia's flagship international economic forum is taking place on June 5-8 in the city of St. Petersburg.
Milorad Dodik told Sputnik earlier he opted to attend the forum to support Moscow amid the "harsh and unfair" international sanctions. Dodik also spoke of the ceaseless pressure from the West demanding that Republika Srpska support sanctions against Russia, adding that it will not allow Bosnia and Herzegovina to impose such countrywide restrictions.
When asked at the SPIEF whether businesses from Republika Srpska were afraid of sanctions for interacting with Moscow, Dodik replied:
“Our people are absolutely aware of all the challenges and difficulties they may face, but at the same time we are ready to defy the idea of sanctions against Russia.”
President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik at a meeting with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov in Moscow. - Sputnik International, 1920, 03.06.2024
West Daily Demands From Republika Srpska to Impose Sanctions Against Russia - Dodik
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