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Strengthening Russia's Northern Fleet Capabilities is Priority in Arctic - Kremlin Aide

© Sputnik / Dmitry Dubov / Go to the mediabankA Russian navy flag is raised on the Vice-Admiral Kulakov large anti-submarine ship in the town of Severomorsk, Murmansk region, Russia.
A Russian navy flag is raised on the Vice-Admiral Kulakov large anti-submarine ship in the town of Severomorsk, Murmansk region, Russia. - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.08.2024
MURMANSK, Russia (Sputnik) - Strengthening the combat readiness of the Northern Fleet against the background of the growing military presence of the West in the Arctic is one of the priorities of ensuring Russia's national interests in this region, Russian presidential aide Nikolai Patrushev said on Monday.
"Strengthening the capabilities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, including increasing the combat readiness of the Northern Fleet... is one of the priorities of ensuring national interests in the Arctic," Patrushev said in Murmansk at a meeting on ensuring Russia's national interests in the Arctic.
The United States and its allies have blocked Russia's chairmanship of the Arctic Council, the aide noted.
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"The United States and its allies have in fact blocked Russia's chairmanship of the Arctic Council," Patrushev said at the meeting.
Russia is ready for dialogue and constructive cooperation with Arctic countries based on respect for its interests, the official said.
"At the same time, we are ready to resume dialogue and constructive interaction and cooperation with the Arctic states in the interests of peaceful development of the Arctic based on respect for our national interests," he added.
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