
US Announces $275Mln Weapons Package for Ukraine, Including HIMARS Ammunition - Blinken

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States is providing a new weapons package for Ukraine worth $275 million to include additional high-mobility artillery rocket system (HIMARS) ammunition and 155mm artillery rounds, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Friday.
"The United States is announcing today a significant new drawdown of weapons and equipment for Ukraine," Blinken said in a statement.

"This $275 million package, which is part of our efforts to help Ukraine repel Russia’s assault near Kharkov, contains urgently needed capabilities including: ammunition for HIMARS; 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds."

The new package also includes tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missiles; Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems; precision aerial munitions; small arms and additional rounds of ammunition and grenades; demolitions munitions; anti-armor mines; tactical vehicles; body armor; chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protective equipment; and other equipment.
Blinken confirmed that US assistance from previous packages has already been delivered to the front lines in Ukraine.
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