
Russia's Ties With Burkina Faso in Military-Technical Area Developing - Lavrov

OUAGADOUGOU (Sputnik) - Russia and Burkina Faso are developing cooperation in the military-technical sphere, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.
"With [interim] President [of Burkina Faso Ibrahim] Traore taking office, we were able to fully reveal and continue to reveal the potential of mutually beneficial equal cooperation in a variety of areas, including the economy, social sphere, healthcare, education, military and military-technical cooperation," Lavrov said at a joint press conference with Foreign Minister of Burkina Faso Karamoko Jean Marie Traore.
Russia intends to additionally supply Burkina Faso with military products to strengthen the country's defense capability, the minister said, adding that Russia supports Burkina Faso's fight against terrorism and will send more military instructors to to the country.
Additionally, Lavrov said that Russian Deputy Defense Minister Col. Gen. Yunus-Bek Yevkurov paid a visit to Burkina Faso on Tuesday.