
Ex-Diplomat: Biden's Inner Circle to Hold Power Despite Performance Issues

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - President Joe Biden is unlikely to retire before the Democratic National Convention in August and the national election in November because he, his family, and his close inner circle of advisers are determined to hold on to power as long as they can, former US diplomat and political commentator James Carden told Sputnik.
"I am doubtful Biden will step aside," Carden said on Friday. "That would require advisors, friends, and family who have a measure (even a tiny measure) of integrity."
Carden was commenting after Biden's appearance in his first nationally televised debate with his predecessor Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate this year. Biden's performance was universally judged, including by almost all Democratic-tending commentators, to have been an embarrassing disaster.
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However, Biden's inner circle lacked anyone with the moral courage and stature to tell the president that his position had become untenable, Carden advised.
"On the basis of the public record, there is no evidence any such people exist," he said.
Instead, the nexus of personal cronies, family members, and hangers-on who comprised the president's personal court would lay emphasis on staying blindly in power for as long as possible and they would continue to view all criticism and defections from their ranks as treachery, Carden warned.
"The 'Blob' [Biden's inner circle] will circle the wagons, protect their fiefdoms come hell or high water. I would be pleased to be proven wrong," he concluded.
Biden's bumbling public performance in front of almost 48 million viewers on Thursday night on CNN had left Democratic Party leaders in a state of panic, the New York Times reported on Friday morning.
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