
Central Asian Nations, Azerbaijan to Hold Joint Military Drills in Kazakhstan From Monday

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Kazakhstan will hold joint military drills, Birlestik-2024 (Unification-2024), together with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan starting Monday, the Kazakh Defense Ministry said.
"The regional international exercise 'Birlestik-2024' will be held in the Mangistau region. Military contingents from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan will take part in the development of combat training tasks," the ministry wrote on social media.
The drills will take place on the Oimasha training grounds in the country's west and along the Kazakh Caspian Sea shore, 1.2 miles off the Tokmak cape, from July 8-17.
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Some 4,000 soldiers and up to 700 items of military equipment will be involved in the exercise. These include ground and aerial reconnaissance forces, marines, army and front-line aviation crews, warships, artillery crews, assault and tank units.