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Russia May Abandon Moratorium on Deployment of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces - Putin

© Sputnik / Vladimir AstapkovichRussia INF Treaty
Russia INF Treaty - Sputnik International, 1920, 28.07.2024
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (Sputnik) - Russia will no longer be bound by a moratorium on deploying medium- and short-range strike weapons if the United States deploys weapons in Germany, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday.
"If the US implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously assumed unilateral moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range strike weapons, including increasing the capabilities of the coastal troops of our Navy," Putin said during the Main Naval Parade on Navy Day in St. Petersburg.
The Russian president noted that "important Russian state and military administration facilities, our administrative and industrial centers and defense infrastructure will be within its reach."
Putin also compared US statements about plans to deploy precision weapons in Germany to the times of the Cold War.

The Pentagon said on July 10 that starting 2026, the US would begin episodic deployments of long-range weapons in Germany as part of planning for enduring stationing of these weapons in the future. This includes SM-6, Tomahawk and developmental hypersonic missiles.

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