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Sputnik Expert Shared Secrets of Preserving and Digitizing Analog Photo Archives

© SputnikSputnik Expert
Sputnik Expert - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.09.2024
The fourth session running this year 2024 of the SputnikPro project for the OIC States Broadcasting Union (OSBU) was held today at the International Multimedia press center of Sputnik.
The workshop was presented by Ekaterina Volkova, senior editor of Sputnik Photo Directorate.
OSBU President Amr Ellissy launched this session with participants from Nigeria, Sudan, Mali, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bangladesh, Yemen and Egypt, mentioning in his opening speech: "Today we are talking about preserving our memory, our photographs in conditions when new technologies are rapidly developing. I am sure that each of our participants will receive new ideas for organizing archives in their media".
Ekaterina Volkova stated: "It is very important for us to share the experience accumulated in the process of large-scale work with the agency's archival photographs".
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Participants got acquainted with the best historical photographs from the agency's archive and learned about the specifics of work with original old samples, storage, scanning and cataloging. 15 professionals interested in visual art in the media joined this English-language master class.
Volkova added "We hope that our knowledge can be useful to colleagues who are just beginning to work with archival materials. By digitizing archival photographs, we not only preserve the memory of past eras and events, but also contribute to the future of new generations".
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